Saturday, February 12, 2011

Armed robbery, seriously!!!!!

O.k. So I know this is far fetched, but I willl try to tie this to my new lifestyle change some how. We were in the Ocean view shopping center, where I rarely like to go simply because it is a crazy place to be, to quickly buy some valentine stuff. I left my husband and son outside and ran in with Chloe to buy some candy for Sunday school, and then the craziest thing happened! Two men came running in the store,one complete with gun, and robbed the place!!! I know, sounds crazy, but sure enough, Chloe and I were standing there about to get in the check out line and the craziness began!!! It was lightning fast!!! They just ran in waved a gun around, pushed the cashier to the ground and grabbed a bunch of ciggarettes, and then ran off. They dashed thru the door, and I do mean thru the door.One went one way, one the other way and got in a car. Then half the store proceeded to run after them. One man got in his truck and chased after the car and as he was turning the corner crashed his car. Crazy right!!!! Ok, so what goes thru my mind while all of this is happening???? First, Chloe never really saw a thing as she was tucked under my arms, and being drug back into the candy section, and then when the coast is clear, I grab her and drag her out of the store to find out where my son and husband are. I left them in front of the broken door, so you can imagine what was going thru my head when they were not there. I am franticly loooking for them and a few seconds later they walk out of Radio Shack totally oblivious to the events that had just unfolded. Did I mention that I am standing out from with my hands full of merchandise that has not been paid for????? So shaking and glad to see that everyone in my family is safe, I throw, and I am not exagerating, throw the merchandise back in the store and walk away as fast as my feet will get me out of there. Now as I calm down, I realize how God's mercy had rescued us once again. We could have been closer to harms way if I was not so wishy washy about the candy, my husband and son could have been right out in front by the broken door where I left them, and no one was seriously injured. Now, the next thought that came to my head was, how stupid is it that they went thru all that trouble for ciggerettes?!?!? They did not ask for money, they just grabbed as many ciggerettes as they could and ran. Not too bright!! Well, I guess that is kinda like eating, if I stuff my belly full of junk, what is it really doing for me?? A few seconds of pleasure and a few extra pounds that add up to a few more and then what next??? Not too bright?!? Ok, so I told you it was a bit far fetched, but kinda true!!!


  1. Crazy, Michelle. I am glad you are safe. Very scary!

  2. Oh my soul!! That must have been terrifying! So....I'm guessing you won't be visiting that store again, eh?! Boy, I sure am glad God protected you like that!!

  3. Yes,very crazy, and no definetly will not be going back there!!!! God is good!!!

  4. There have been so many robberies lately. The bank my sister works at was robbed several weeks back. Crazy & Scary! I am so glad you are all ok!

  5. I was reminded today that I should not say that I would not go back to that store, the truth is, I would trust God in any situation!!!
